Wedding Flowers: How to Preserve them - Tip of the Month


One of my favorite details in any wedding is the floral. Many couples, especially brides spend lots of time and money ensuring they have the perfect bouquet. Wheat happens after the day is over? Ever think of preserving those lovelies and creating a keepsake? There are many ways to go about this. My favorite option is to freeze dry and then place them in a frame or glass container. Jordan from Blum Floral Designs loves the idea of pressing flowers as opposed to drying them whole. “The best flowers to press are either flat in shape or more delicate (i.e. sweet peas work better than roses). Good old fashioned parchment paper in a heavy book works great and you just leave it there for a few weeks. Once they’re dried you can frame them pretty easily.” Another one of Jordan’s favorites is to send a photo of your floral to a painter and have them preserve it in art form. Regardless of whatever option you choose, you can’t go wrong.

Wedding Bathroom Baskets


Bathroom Baskets are a practical and fun idea for any event. Generally, we fill them with basic items such as mints, individual floss, spray and deodorant, bobby pins, safety pins, hair spray, feminine products, bandaids, shout wipes, and any other items you feel would be beneficial for guests. When you hire us, we provide the complimentary for the women’s and men’s room as well as a special deluxe basket for the couples suite. Why do we do this? Accidents happen! We want our clients to feel at ease and we want their guests to fell cared for. What a relief to walk into the restroom and find everything you could possibly need (and more)!